The Credencial is a document, a veritable pilgrim’s passport, awarded by the pilgrims associations, tourist offices or by a religious authority. It is always necessary to justify your status as a pilgrim on the way to Compostela. This document symbolizes the path taken by the pilgrim, his desire to make his journey in accordance with the Spirit of the Path and represents, for the accommodation or service providers encountered during the pilgrimage, a guarantee of the pilgrim status of the person holding the journey. Its presentation is obligatory to be welcomed in the pilgrim reception centers in France and in the albergues of parish, municipal or private peregrinos in Spain.

The person holding a credential must have read the Pilgrim Charter. She is morally committed to respecting the rules of life and behavior of the pilgrim. This is a recommendation from the organization that issued it to you and implies a duty of respect for your hosts, of tolerance for all other walkers.



